Job search: CTC

ctc wingsI tried to apply for the CTC cadet program the 5th of december (they supply pilots for British Airways and Easy Jet among others).
After having filled their EXTENSIVE future-trainee form, here is what I received the day after (it seems I don’t fit… but you, have a try!):

Application No:XXXXXXXXX

Thank you for your application to the CTC Wings programme.

Following a careful review of your completed application, we regret to advise you that you do not meet the selection criteria for the CTC Wings ATP programme and will therefore not be taking your application forward to the next stage.

We realise this decision will be a disappointment to you, however, may we thank you again for the time you have given to your application and wish you every success in the future.

For your own peace of mind, you should be aware that the records of the assessment process are confidential and will not be revealed to a third party under any circumstances.


CTC Wings Selection

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