







  • Official launch: P2F campaign!

    Today April 28th 2015, all hands on deck, the European Cockpit Association officially launched the campaign to Stop “pay to fly”. Must read include: And now we leave it to anyone to wonder on the facts: is something wrong with our industry? fullscreen

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  • A cut above

    Of all the businesses that “offer” to pay to work (aka debt servitude or leverage to threaten pilots), there is one that remains a cut above the rest: Eagle Jet: “pay a measy 87,500€ and you will fly 1000 hours as an A320 airline pilot, no salary and no employment guaranteed (assessment cost not included)”!…

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  • Safety, begone!

    Quoting Dominique Fouda, EASA‘s Head of Communication & Quality Department in summer 2014: “The fact that airlines make their personnel pay does not intervene in aviation safety regulation, as long as pilots are technically qualified” _source Today we will debunk this statement again with another document. Fast backward. July 10th 2013, a Project Manager and…

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  • P2F: canadian radio 98,5 fm

    Published this April 1st, 2015, following the contact we had with another COMETEC member and their report on “pay to fly” (that preceded early january this year), COMETEC member Patrick Magisson (also Vice-Chairman of the FTL WG) was invited to express views on Canadian radio about the now worldwide p2f issue. The result is as…

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