The APAG is born!

The APAG, or Association des Pilotes d’Amaury de la Grange is born, from a student initiative.
It was high time this FTO had its students’ association given its “carnet d’adresse”, which is not without reminding the ENAC’s AGEPAC initiative by the way.
All we can say is…

Good thing. And yes, I’m thinking about all the potential feedbacks the older of the school might give on job insight!
Here is the 1st association’s disclaimer >>click me!
Right. Interesting:
First, you get a reduction in the association’s pricing if you subscribe before June 30th… oh wait, that was 2 days ago. Let’s say I was taken aback. I heard of it on too short a notice (at “le Bourget” on June 26th).

There remains a few points that would deserve clarification though:

  • Will Amaury-de-la-Grange provide the pilot listing with all the names they already have or…
  • would the Asso’ have to build its membership-base starting from the subscription they get?
  • If I already am from the school, wouldn’t that automatically entitle me the right to belong or…
  • would I have to go through the subscription fee to benefit from the group?
  • How would former students be attracted by the association if they already have a situation and (let’s be honest) don’t see the point in giving away money to give their advices!

There may be something I misunderstood somewhere.
Still! It looks promising, and I can’t help but share the subscription form right below.
I leave a comment section open -click on the form- as this might trigger discussions.
formulaire inscription APAG

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