Condor pilot training – intimidation

Received 2016-10-04 18:36 GMT+02:00, sent by J P <@>:

Dear Sirs,

My name is J P, attorney at Abanlex, S.L.. Our law firm represents the interests of Condor Pilot, S.L. (“Condor Pilot”), an aeronautical services provider located in Spain.

This letter is based on Condor Pilot’s rights and interests under international law and the laws of the United States of America and European Union. I understand you are the owner of the domain name and website, the Facebook profile available at and the Twitter account

The following pages contains infringing material, as defamatory statements, personal and confidential information disclosed from private agreements or false content related to Condor Pilot.

Posting and access provided by you to the abovementioned content is causing serious damages, loss of profit, lost of profile and harm to its reputation, and implies a breach of the terms of use of Facebook and Twitter.

In these sense, I request you to remove or disable all access to the infringing material immediately and, in any event, within 48 hours from your receipt of this communication. If you refuse to fulfill this requirement, we will start legal actions against you.

We have recorded certified evidences of the abovementioned webpages.

I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in the notification is accurate and that I am authorized to act on behalf of Condor Pilot.


Socio de Abanlex. Abogado.
Sede Central: Velázquez 109, 7º Madrid I | Otras: Zaragoza – Logroño
Teléfonos: (+34) | (+34) | Skype:
Twitter: @ | LinkedIn: /

Este mensaje es confidencial y podrá estar sometido al secreto profesional, por lo que no debe ser compartido con terceros. Por su seguridad, le recomendamos que cifre su mensaje con firma PGP. Sus datos de contacto son gestionados en un fichero de Abanlex para prestarle el servicio que, en su caso, haya solicitado. Puede ejercer sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, cancelación u oposición escribiendo a

Edit 15 Nov.2016: dunning letter received

Dear Sirs,

I have seen that you partially accepted my cease and desist order and changed your post regarding my client Condor Pilot.

As I mentioned in my previous request, the publication of the agreement is a breach of confidentiality, so you are providing illegal access to internal documents property of Condor Pilot. These include specific details regarding the allegued payments.

I request you, once again, to remove any confidential information, specifically the agreement you are publishing without consent. If you continue refusing to fulfill our requirements, we will start legal actions against you.

I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in the notification is accurate and that I am authorized to act on behalf of Condor Pilot.


Socio de Abanlex. Abogado.
Sede Central: Velázquez 109, 7º Madrid I | Otras: Zaragoza – Logroño
Teléfonos: (+34) | (+34) | Skype:
Twitter: @ | LinkedIn: /

Este mensaje es confidencial y podrá estar sometido al secreto profesional, por lo que no debe ser compartido con terceros. Por su seguridad, le recomendamos que cifre su mensaje con firma PGP. Sus datos de contacto son gestionados en un fichero de Abanlex para prestarle el servicio que, en su caso, haya solicitado. Puede ejercer sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, cancelación u oposición escribiendo a

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