







  • ‘Return on investment’ thinking in aviation

    Guest post by WERKLOZE VLIEGERS These times are characterized by so-called “return in investment” thinking. On all fronts, the focus is on profits and shareholder value. This not only applies to companies, but also to healthcare and education. We are shifting increasingly from the Rhine model, where government, employers and employees are willing to work…

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  • Paying to work is fine

    It is! Baltic Aviation Academy (BAA), in the lucidity of its great wisdom, blessed us today with the ultimate knowledge. Imagine for a second you’re a professional pilot and your airline provides you with a horrendous bond program, this means you’d be forced to fly by getting paid for it… for years (dear lord, no!)!…

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  • The last hour in the sun

    This is what it’s like to become a pilot today. “The last hour in the sun is a graduation documentary made by Suzanne Jansen in 2014.In The last hour in the sun, director Suzanne Jansen portrays her brother Emile – a talented pilot – who has been looking for employment for over six years. Ever…

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  • Job insecurity: SNPL press release

    As we were there to defend young pilots’ interests during the ECA conference on “atypical employment forms” (this 12-13 of february), before covering it ourself, here is the SNPL take on the conference. Goal, purpose, findings… the following is their angle on the event:

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