Status quo: 1 – Safety: 0
In the ongoing war against (bogus) atypical employment in aviation, a battle was lost today in the Netherlands, June 2nd 2015, day #56 of the “Stop pay to fly“ campaign. Following a Dutch Parliament hearing (that occurred the same day as the EP hearing on the same topic), Dutch media awareness was triggered 10 days…
Less than 3 short weeks after the EP event, still in accordance with our road map for the “grand scheme of things”, the right dominos continue to fall one after the other. The following is the latest, presented with no comment… Source: CockpitSeeker. edit June 6th: “How can Nicolas, 20, living in Toulouse and dreaming…
European Parliament – pilots’ interest
Date: Day #9 of the “Stop pay fo fly“ campaign, (May 7th, 2015), 1500-1700.Event: European Parliament (EP) meeting – Committee on Employment and Social Affairs – Current situation of employment and working conditions in the European civil aviation sector. –Exchange of views with experts. EMPL(2015)0507_1 [ECA vice president John Horn (second from the right) at…
P2F: European Parliament
A few days ago, on Day #2 (april 30th) of the campaign to “Stop Pay To Fly“, just as we finished discussions at VNV‘s office that concluded with their open support the same day: …we learnt that the topic would be raised at an EP (European Parliament) small Hearing this 7th of May afternoon in…