SDG – DG MOVE study on EMPL
Finalized this december 4th by Steer Davies Gleave‘s (SDG) associate Rosie Offord, expected for summer 015 as we were directly told by DG MOVE last May 22th, their “study on employment and working conditions in air transport and airports” is now available. fullscreen Though not primarily about it, this “investigation” is the closing chapter of…
EC – decisive p2f answers
As reported three days ago, a p2f-dedicated meeting occured today dec.9th at 14h00 (Brussels local time) on DG Tran premises to present and engage in Q&A which, for the record, unfolded in accordance with the following canvas : The dice are cast.
Frontrunning: december 6
As expected, DGAC’s lax initial ATO renewal decision officially backfired this Dec. 4th with SAT bankruptcy. 7 employees, 49 students and several hundred thousand euros in debt left in the wild. No DGAC officials to be held accountable. French AGEPAC released pilot employment statistics update this Dec. 5th; slight improvements overall notably : 53% working…
School demise to drag students in limbo
The list could go on, : Dutch Stella Aviation in a series of bankruptcies ending in april 2014; in the UK amidst CAA warnings, Cabair in february 2012, formerly bankrupt as Cabair College of Air Training in France, the EPAG (Ecole de Pilotage Amaury de La-Grange) in april 2013, the ESMA (École supérieure des métiers…