This post was originally published on February 20th 2011, since new documents are still added, I make a duplicate to put it back to the top:
- EU OPS (accurate at this date)
- IR knowledge summary (91p)
- official DGAC revalidation test form
- Jeppesen Enroute Chart Legend (intro ONLY)

- IFR practices courses
- revalidation course guide (EPAG type)
- IFR nav log (EPAG type, my favourite so far ^^)
- IFR journey preparation (ESMA type)
- Visual Flight Rules (2009)
- VFR reminder
- Airspace class, ground/air, tower/air, interception signals reminder (very useful!)
- QNH, QFE, FL (a brief reminder)
- B737 500 IRS FMS (‘can’t remember where I got that!)
- Meteo aviation guide (*UPDATED* Meteo France file 2011-2013)
- G1000 manual (DA42)
- G1000 DA42 virtual training program
- GNS 430 Trainer (a program)
- GARMIN 400 Series Trainer (another program)
- Licenses validity/revalidation conditions reminder
- virtual log book (automatic hours counting! -courtesy B.L-)
- detailed log book (excel file courtesy S.G!)
- blank flight plan
- How to fill a flight plan
- BIA exam (full feedback, 2004 test questions + answers!)
- QCM for ULM test (training program – 878Q)
(updated 18/02/2012) As usual if you have anything to share with us you know the door.