Search Results for Cost

A cut above

Of all the businesses that “offer” to pay to work (aka debt servitude or leverage to threaten pilots), there is one that remains a cut above the rest: Eagle Jet: “pay a measy 87,500€ and you will fly 1000 hours…

P2F: canadian radio 98,5 fm

Published this April 1st, 2015, following the contact we had with another COMETEC member and their report on “pay to fly” (that preceded early january this year), COMETEC member Patrick Magisson (also Vice-Chairman of the FTL WG) was invited to…

The last hour in the sun

This is what it’s like to become a pilot today. “The last hour in the sun is a graduation documentary made by Suzanne Jansen in 2014.In The last hour in the sun, director Suzanne Jansen portrays her brother Emile –…

FAA – Medical Assessment

Medical regulation 61.23 : Medical certificates: Requirement and duration. (a) Operations requiring a medical certificate. Except as provided in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, a person: (b) Operations not requiring a medical certificate. A person is not required…

Cathay Pacific

The following information was gathered after candidacy, received presonally on august 10th, 18:00 UTC: Subject: Cathay Pacific Second Officer Initial Interview September 2011 Paris Dear Mr. CXXXXX, Cathay Pacific Airways is pleased to invite you to attend our Second Officer…