The last hour in the sun

This is what it’s like to become a pilot today.

“The last hour in the sun is a graduation documentary made by Suzanne Jansen in 2014.
In The last hour in the sun, director Suzanne Jansen portrays her brother Emile – a talented pilot – who has been looking for employment for over six years. Ever since the economic crisis, it has become very hard for graduated pilots to find a job in aviation. Left with a high student debt and rising costs, some of them are forced to give up on their dream. As is Emile. The last hour in the sun shows the origin of his passion.
Flying enchanted him, it was carefree. Just how different is that feeling, years later, now his pilot’s license has expired and his student debt torments him – and our parents? A documentary about letting go of expectations and the ongoing exploration which comes next.”

The DVD is available for a fee, funds gathered for the acquisition of the video will go partly to Emile.


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