Form to fill
- Civilian status
- Marital status
- Scholarship
- Past employments
- Contacts working at Luxair’s
- References
- Flight time per type, cpt/double, IFR, total
Paper written questions (5 questions – in english)
- What are your most important activities, personal interests and hobbies?
- What have been major aspects in your youth development?
- Which roles did you have in school, apprenticeship, jobs, clubs or other groups?
- Which accidents, serious illnesses or injuries have you had until now?
- What have been special events, appreciations, failures in your development?
Individual interview
Motivational questions
- Why did you want to fly?
- What about Air France? (question to french pilots)
- When have you heard about Luxair for the 1st time?
- Have you applied to an airline somewhere other than in your country, Germany or Austria for instance?
Questions on the airline
- Name of CEO
- Name of accountable manager
- Number of employees
- When was the company founded
Random other questions to candidates
- Name of chairman of administrative council
- 1st flight of Luxair? Name of captain? Destination?
- How many aircraft? Which types?
- Name of DO?
- What do you know about Luxair?
Questions on Luxembourg
- Number of inhabitants
- Bordering countries
- Size of the country
Psychological questions
- Are you a stressed person?
- How, in your opinion, are we noticing your stress?
Technical questions
- Take-off segments OEI & climb gradients for a twin-engine
Takeoff Distance: Roll, failure of the critical engine immediately before V1, rotation, lift-off and V2 at 35 ft height, using takeoff thrust on all engines up to the engine failure speed, and then takeoff thrust on operating engines. Takeoff flaps are set since the beginning of the takeoff roll.
1st segment: Begins at the point where the aircraft is at V2 and 35 ft high and ends at the point where the landing gear is fully retracted, with speed equal V2, critical engine inoperative, takeoff thrust on operating engines and takeoff flaps.
2nd segment: From the point where the landing gear is fully retracted up to the point at which the aircraft levels off for flap retraction. The level off height depends on obstacles and must be at least 400 ft above the runway. Throughout the 2nd segment, with the critical engine inoperative, takeoff thrust on operating engines and takeoff flaps are maintained.
3rd segment: From the end of the 2nd segment, up to the point at which the climb configuration (flaps up, final segment climb speed) is reached, with the critical engine inoperative, and takeoff thrust on operating engines. This segment is used for level flight, acceleration and flap retraction at a height of at least 400 feet.
4th. segment: From the point at which the climb configuration is reached, up to a 1500 ft above the runway (or more if required for obstacle clearance). Flaps up and Maximum Continuous Thrust on operating engines is used throughout the 4th segment.
Random other questions to candidate
- Draw holding pattern and different entry sectors
- Definition of “angle of attack”
- Forces acting on an aircraft
- Working principle of a jet engine/turboprop engine
- Explain lift production
- Explain what a jet stream is (meteorology)
- Risks associated with wrong baro setting during approach