

The APAG is born!

The APAG, or Association des Pilotes d’Amaury de la Grange is born, from a student initiative. It was high time this FTO had its students’ association given its “carnet d’adresse”, which is not without reminding the ENAC’s AGEPAC initiative by…

EAMTC conference

The EAMTC: “or European Aviation Maintenance Training Committee, created in 1984 by the air companies KLM, SAS, Swissair and UTA is an international trend-defining organisation regrouping 65 major actors in the aeronautical maintenance formation field in Europe and overseas. Its…

PEEP journées aéronautiques 20 et 21 mai!

PEEP: “Bonjour Mesdames, Messieurs Nous sommes une fédération de parents d’élèves de l’enseignement public “PEEP” et organisons en partenariat avec le Rectorat et la délégation Académique à la formation aéronautique deux journées en mai consacrées à la découverte des métiers…

Selling dreams

Now that we aren’t in the ATPL certificates loop anymore, it’s with a legitimate amused curiosity that from time to time, we look back to compare what FTOs propose nowadays to what we used to know! Let’s see… Where I…

China: trust renewal!

It looks like the aeronautical sector is going fine overseas, which is a relief! For instance the ESMA now counts in its ranks more than 140 international student pilot corresponding to 11 different nationalities! I’d be curious to know what…

Job search: Germany* spring 2011

(Click to enlarge) 7h30 straight from A (Douai) to B (Munich) Don’t get me wrong, this wasn’t for Lufthansa but for a company based in Jakarta -Indonesia- called Susiair!First things first: as of now, they recruit!! I passed their tests…

Vietnam Airlines…

… is doing fine! After hearing from our Chineese friends in the north (the 1st batch that I crossed yesterday doing their 320 rating in the AF’s Orly facilities -hi guys!-, the 2nd that entered the IAAG/EPAG recently), companies from…